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It's Simple!

I joined this Walk 1000 Miles Challenge for 2018. While out walking, especially along shorelines, I'm noticing the huge amounts of litter, in particular the discarded plastic bottles which will be finding their way into our seas, or polluting our land environment and wildlife. I began collecting them to take home and recycle and had the idea of combining the walking challenge with a clean-up challenge at the same time. Ideally we need to move towards a zero waste society but if everyone out walking took the challenge to remove from the environment 1000 plastic bottles in a year that's quite an effective clean-up. Even if only 100 people play that's 100,000 less bottles/cans polluting the oceans and harming the wildlife. It doesn't require long walks. You can count plastic bottles, cans, glass bottles...anything you can take out of the environment and recycle. They may be found anywhere, along the street on the way to the shops, or work, or walking the dog. If you don't walk or bend so easily or use a wheelchair/mobility scooter for travelling, you can still take the challenge with the help of a litter picker like this  (That was a random shopping search - I don't work for them!)

Remove it! Recycle it!

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